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Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have their own risk factors as they affect the private parts of your body. The possible signs of an STD will show on your skin around the genital area. Dr Sweety Darall Tomar at Skinisma Aesthetics specialises in providing evidence-based treatments for STDs.

You can contract an STD mainly through unprotected sex. Moreover, contact with infected clothing and using public toilets are also responsible for this venereal disease. You will be at a higher risk of contracting STDs if you’ve more than one sexual partner.

Historically, dermatologists have played an active role in diagnosing and treating STDs, many of which involve the skin. If you have contracted an STD, don’t fret. Our clinic, SKINISMA AESTHETICS, is at the forefront of recognising the manifestations of some STDs like genital warts, syphilis, herpes, etc.

Undoubtedly, STDs are an awkward subject for many individuals to discuss. But as a responsible clinic, we aim to keep you as healthy as possible. For more details on our STD treatments, consult us at the earliest.

Our Expertise in Treating Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

Did you know that you could have an STD with no symptoms? Unlike most illnesses, STDs don’t have symptoms. Although STDs don’t always cause symptoms, they’re preventable if you know how to protect yourself and your partner. Dr Sweety can treat and diagnose most conditions involving the nails, hair, and the skin including STDs. Here are some common sexually transmitted bacterial and viral infections we treat.

The symptoms of syphilis can appear after three to six weeks. The usual signs include large and open sores on your lips and mouth and private parts. It is normal for some sores to appear on the tongue or inside the mouth but on genital area it can be serious. Not treating syphilis can result in reddish rash across the body.

When syphilis affects the skin, you should promptly consult our clinic. After carefully examining your skin and asking various questions, Dr Sweety will recommend a syphilis test. Based on the findings of your lab test, we can treat it with penicillin injections. If you are allergic to penicillin, we will prescribe other antibiotics. It is crucial not to resume sexual activity until you have completed your treatment.

The symptoms of syphilis can appear after three to six weeks. The usual signs include large and open sores on your lips and mouth and private parts. It is normal for some sores to appear on the tongue or inside the mouth but on genital area it can be serious. Not treating syphilis can result in reddish rash across the body.

HSV, also known as herpes, is a common STD that can cause painful ulcers and blisters. These painful blisters and sores appear on the mouth and genital area. The risk factors with herpes are pretty high as the virus stays in your body.

At Skinisma, we can diagnose herpes with our advanced diagnosis. We may swab the ulcers or sores to analyse if you have herpes.

To treat the ulcers and sores in your mouth and in the genital area, we prescribe antiviral medications. Note that no drug can eliminate the herpes virus. The primary objective of prescribing antiviral medications is to stop the virus from multiplying.

Chlamydia is one of the most common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) we treat at Skinisma. Besides pain during urination and vaginal discharge, chlamydia can also affect your eyes. If you are diagnosed with chlamydia, Dr Sweety Darall Tomar will prescribe oral antibiotics. With proper treatment, the infection will be clear in a week.

People often feel embarrassed by abnormal growths in their genital area and refrain from consulting a doctor. However, scheduling an appointment at our clinic in Delhi can provide peace of mind. At Skinisma, you will get proper diagnosis and treatment for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). We may perform one or more of the following procedures during a visit to our clinic.

  • Laser treatment
  • Excision
  • Cryosurgery

All these treatments are minimally invasive and have no downtime. Dr Sweety Darall Tomar possesses extensive experience in diagnosing and treating STDs. If you are dealing with an STD, consulting with our clinic in Delhi should be your priority. Reach out to us for a free consultation on STDs at Skinisma Aesthetics.