
With time, our skin also starts to age. It is visible through signs like rough skin texture, dull and uneven skin tone, visible pores, age spots, fine lines, wrinkles, and loss of volume. Though you can’t stop your skin from aging, you can take measures to reduce the effect of age on your skin. These measures are collectively termed anti-aging procedures. This involves the process of slowing, preventing, or reversing the signs of aging on your skin. Various safe cosmetic and medical procedures can give you effective results to prevent aging.

Signs of Ageing

There are seven major signs of ageing which are:

Fine lines and wrinkles: These are generally the first signs of ageing that appear on your skin. These are caused due to the weakening of collagen and elastin fibers responsible for keeping your skin firm.

Dullness: The natural reduction in moisture levels with age from the top layers of your skin can result in a dull complexion.

Uneven skin tone: This can be due to more melanin in some parts of the skin than others, which can cause the skin to look older and have an uneven tone.

Dry skin: With age, skin loses its ability to retain moisture, making it dry and dehydrated, giving it an older look.

Blotchiness and age spots: As you age, your skin starts thinning. Due to this, blood vessels or age spots caused due to exposure to sunlight become more visible and prominent.

Rough skin texture: The texture of the skin becomes bumpy and uneven with age due to the accumulation of dead cells on the layers of the skin. The accumulation is because of the fact that with age, cell turnover slows down, that is, the ability of the skin to replenish dead cells reduces.

Visible pores: As skin loses elasticity with age, pores present become enlarged and more visible.

Treatments for Anti-ageing

The anti-aging treatment involves a multifactorial approach, including proper skincare routine, photoprotection, regular intake of vitamin supplements, and non-surgical skin treatments, which helps you stay younger than your age. Anti-aging treatments available at Skinisma Aesthetics:

Dermaroller/Microneedling: A derma roller is a handheld device with microneedles. The roller is moved in horizontal, vertical, and oblique directions on the skin, which results in stimulation of collagen, elastin, and neovascularization. This procedure can be combined with mesotherapy to maximize the benefits, and multiple sessions are required for the optimum result.

Hair Re-growth treatment or VAMPIRE FACELIFT: The technique is based on harnessing the natural healing power of your own blood’s plasm-a. The platele-ts in our blood contain many growth factors, and these are proteins that promote the healing of damaged skin. Once injected under the skin or applied topically onto the skin’s surface, Hair Re-growth treatment therapy counteracts aging by stimulating new collagen production.

Chemical peels: In this procedure, an exfoliating chemical is used to peel off the outer dead layer of the skin so that the new skin that grows is brighter, tighter, smoother, and shows fewer signs of ageing. Using a higher concentration of chemicals emulates a skin wound, causing the body to increase collagen production. Your skin may take a week to heal after a chemical peel.

Skin resurfacing by fractional lasers: This procedure involves using thermal energy, which will act on the deep layers of skin and stimulate dermal fibroblasts to replace lost collagen and elastin, which facilitates the regrowth of smoother and younger skin. The procedure involves a downtime of 5-7 days, during which you might still feel some redness, scabbing, or peeling of the skin.

Non-ablative skin rejuvenation: This procedure treats age spots, wrinkles, and skin tone by using lasers and different forms of energy. The treatment does not remove the outer layer of the skin, and you can notice the effect of the treatment almost instantly after the procedure is done. You may require several sittings to get the desired result.

Photofacial: This treatment involves the use of IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), a broad-spectrum light that has scientifically proven collagen boosting and facial revival properties. Thus, it helps to improve skin texture, reducing fine lines and wrinkles.

MNRF: Micro-Needling Radiofrequency procedure is based on thermomechanical ablation technology. It involves the use of microneedles which are introduced in the skin. Then, RF energy is delivered through these needles to heat the dermis to stimulate new collagen and skin tissue, leaving behind smoother, firmer, and more toned skin.

Botulinum toxin therapy or Anti – wrinkle Injection: These injections help reduce fine lines present between the eyebrows, around the eyes, and over the forehead. The results are usually visible within a week and can last for 4-8 months.

Dermal fillers: In this procedure, gel-like substances (mainly hyaluronic acid) are injected beneath the skin to replace lost volume, help smooth wrinkles, plump the lips and restore a more youthful appearance. The results of fillers are seen instantly, which last for around six months to 1.5 years, depending on the type of filler you get. Since fillers are naturally absorbed over time, you may need to take the maintenance session to maintain the desired result.

Thread lift: The most advanced technology gives effective anti-aging results. The procedure uses a thread to lift, tighten and rejuvenate the sagging skin like the one present on your cheek and jawline. This gives your skin a more youthful look. The treatment creates a web of thread into your skin and the underlying soft tissues that aid in collagen and elastin formation. This reduces the appearance of wrinkles on your skin.

Autologous fat injection: In this procedure, your fat is harvested from another area (typically the abdomen or buttock). The fat is then purified by centrifuge and injected into the face to help restore volume to the cheeks, temples, nasolabial folds, and undereye area. It is an OPD procedure with long-lasting results.


As we age, our skin undergoes natural changes due to a combination of factors, including reduced collagen and elastin production, genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices. Common signs of aging on the skin include wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, sagging, and decreased skin elasticity. These changes occur because our skin’s ability to repair and regenerate diminishes over time, resulting in visible signs of aging.

A multifactorial approach to anti-aging recognizes that various factors contribute to youthful skin, including a healthy lifestyle, proper skincare, protection from UV rays, and non-surgical cosmetic treatments. It involves a holistic strategy that combines a balanced diet, regular exercise, adequate hydration, and stress management with effective skincare and non-surgical treatments. This comprehensive approach aims to maintain a youthful appearance and slow down the aging process.

Non-surgical anti-aging treatments encompass a range of options, including dermal fillers, Botox, chemical peels, laser therapy, and microdermabrasion. These treatments work by addressing specific signs of aging. Dermal fillers add volume and reduce wrinkles, Botox relaxes muscles to minimize fine lines, chemical peels remove damaged skin layers, laser therapy stimulates collagen production, and microdermabrasion exfoliates and rejuvenates the skin’s surface. The choice of treatment depends on individual goals and skin condition.

The longevity of dermal filler results can vary based on the type of filler used and individual factors. Generally, results can last from 6 months to 2 years. To sustain these results, maintenance treatments are necessary. Regular touch-up sessions help maintain the desired appearance and can be scheduled with your healthcare provider. Maintenance frequency depends on the filler type and individual response.

The Vampire Facelift is a non-surgical procedure that utilizes platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate the skin. During the procedure, a small amount of the patient’s blood is drawn and processed to extract PRP, which is rich in growth factors. The PRP is then injected into specific areas of the face to stimulate collagen production and tissue regeneration. This natural healing power promotes skin rejuvenation, resulting in a fresher, more youthful appearance. The Vampire Facelift is an innovative, minimally invasive approach to counteract the signs of aging.