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Parlour facials are the ordinary or regular facials provided by your nearby salon, shopping mall etc. whilst Medifacials which is short of medical facials are the skin treatment performed under the supervision of a qualified dermatologist. Medifacials involves advanced technology, researched protocols, and science-based ingredients which are tailor-made to suit the exact needs of individual skin and beneficial in the long run.

A parlour facial is a temporary cleaning and scrubbing of the superficial layer while focusing more on the relaxing massage which makes you feel energised. The creams they use can cause harsh exfoliation of the skin or, can cause blockage of pores which may result in active breakouts.

Medifacials are multidisciplinary approach with comprehensive skin treatment. It goes beyond the temporary cleaning and goes deeper and treats the root cause like acne, blemishes, tanning etc. and improves the cellular integrity of the skin.

Medifacials gives a signature glow with a special set of treatments that range from Hydrafacial, Photofacial, Power Glow, Microdermabrasion and Vampire facials, which helps to remove dead cells and speed up the cellular turnover.

This means a medical facial intervenes in and encompasses the full cycle of skin regeneration that includes shedding and the regeneration of skin cells.
It is for this reason that medical facials are more effective while generic facials may be more popular.

The Price Factor

The medical facials are expensive and you may have to get the treatment every 3-4 weeks yet it is cost effective in the long run because they are targeting the root cause not just the symptoms, without causing any adverse reactions.

Recovery Time

Your skin takes 21 days to complete a full cycle of shedding and regenerating skin cells. So, we recommend scheduling a medical facial, microdermabrasion, or chemical peel treatment every 3-4 weeks for maximum benefits. After the Medifacial, within 24-48 hours you will begin to notice improvements to your skin tone, texture and appearance along with a healthy and hydrated skin. But as the skin type of every person is different/unique so your dermatologist is the best judge to decide the frequency and treatment to suit your skin need. The results are also more appreciable and long-lasting when followed with a good skincare plan.

Trending Treatments

Besides the popular Hydrafacial and Chemical peels; Carbon Facial, Photo facials with lasers and LEDs and Micro fillers and Hair Re-growth treatment based facials have gained momentum.
Some treatments combine microdermabrasion with nourishment using hyaluronic acid or retinol etc. depending on skin concerns which is not just treating a skin concern but also nourishing the skin from within. A medifacial with appropriate serums and creams can work wonders on the skin if your therapist chooses the ingredients according to skin type and weather changes.

Types Of Medifacials Available At Skinisma For Each Skin Type And Concern Includes


Hydrafacial is a hydrating facial with intense moisturiser will do wonder if you have dry skin. It is a multiple steps procedure involving hydradermabrasion of the skin which is followed by serum infusion with the help of mechanical probe, removal of comedons and electroporation of skin which creats electromagneticfield for deeper infusion of serum and to boost collagen for skin rejuvenation.


Anti-acne facial like ACLEAR Acne Treatment involves exfoliation of superficial layer of skin mechanically with a machine followed by removal of comedons which is preceded by chemical and LED treatment for the active acne. The treatment requires 2-3 sitting spaced 2 weeks apart for the better, clearer and acne-free skin.

Pumpkin Facia

Pumpkin Facial is designed for advance exfoliation and deeper hydration. It involves cleansing with a vitamin C cleanser, hydradermabrasion for deeper exfoliation and infusion of skin with high pressure oxygen bubbles. Then, after the exfoliation a natural pumpkin peel is applied to improve the texture and brightness of the skin. A green tea neutralizer is applied followed by a pumpkin activator and cellular matrix C. Finally, a brightening and hydrating mask for a natural rejuvenating purpose.

O2 Facial

O2 Facial involves the delivery of serum through high-pressure oxygen bubble. In this, a high-speed micro jet spray uses pressurized air to accelerate a jet of micro droplets, which cleanse, exfoliates and promote hydration.

Signature Facial

Signature Facial is designed to give your skin an instant rejuvenation and brightness by removing the superficial tan.

Vampire Facial

Vampire Facial involves stimulation of your own cells to naturally reverse signs of ageing. It can be combined with serum infusion to provide more nourishment to the skin.


Skin rejuvenation facial like Photofacial uses intense pulse light to boost collagen production and helps your skin to rejuvenate naturally and smoothen fine lines and wrinkles. It reverses signs of aging. As it is for dull-looking skin, skin rejuvenating and brightening serums are used along with adequate moisturisation.

Carbon laser

Charcoal laser includes application of activated charcoal onto the skin. The activated charcoal draw dirt and impurities from the skin. As it gets heated by the Q-switch laser and disperse it to rejuvenate the skin and improve clarity and brightness. It is an ideal treatment for oily and acne prone skin.

The Salon Perspective

In the past few years, seeing the demand of Medifacials, many salons have also added such treatments like peels, dermabrasion, photo facial etc. But you should know that these treatments are only done by or under the supervision of a certified experts.


The bottom line is clear. While Medifacials, as the name suggests, are almost like medical procedures that are tuned to your individual skin. Salon/spa facials are more to do with unwinding and having yourself pampered. If you seriously want to repair your skin and are willing to spend a little extra, Medifacials is the hot new trend you shouldn’t miss.