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At Skinisma, we offer clinically certified anti-ageing treatments to people of all ages. Dr Sweety Darall Tomar at Skinisma offers immense expertise in treating wrinkles and fine lines. Creases on your face are a natural sign of ageing that will affect everyone as they grow older.

If you are feeling self-conscious about creases on your face, we have the perfect treatment to turn back the clock. Anti-wrinkle treatment procedures at Skinisma utilise a combination of laser treatments and injectables like Boto-x, Filler and thread-lift to your preferences and requirements.

Whether you are concerned about age spots or fine lines, our anti-ageing treatment can promote cell generation. Our treatment procedures will assist you in discovering confidence in better skin. At Skinisma, we utilise clinically-certified therapies to help you achieve glowing skin.

Every day we expose our skin to sunlight and other stress factors. From developing sun spots to a dilapidated appearance, there are numerous factors that can cause fine lines. Moreover, if you have a poor skincare routine, there will be increased growth of fine lines and creases on your face.

Whether you want to eliminate creases on the forehead or around the eyes, we can develop a customised treatment plan. You should get in touch with us to learn more about our anti-ageing treatments.

Decrease the Appearance of your Fine Lines with Boto-x Treatment

At Skinisma, we offer the revolutionary Boto-x treatment. Dr Sweety has immense experience in treating signs of ageing with Boto-x. Boto-x, also known as Botulinum Toxin, is the most popular anti-ageing treatment in Delhi.

The Boto-x injection can relax the facial muscles and decrease the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Boto-x anti-ageing treatment at Skinisma is non-invasive and can change your overall appearance with no downtime. The most common use of Boto-x is for the cosmetic treatment of creases and fine lines. Creases and fine lines are the most telling signs of ageing.

The Working Mechanism of Boto-x Injections

The Boto-x injections function by stopping the contraction of muscles. It also decreases the concentration of the existing creases on your face. The Boto-x injections available at our clinic are highly effective. The Boto-x injections at our clinic ensure that your face is plump and has a youthful appearance.

Moreover, if you have dynamic fine lines and creases on your face, our Boto-x injections can help. The Botulinum acts on the nerve endings present in the muscles. Boto-x injections will make your face appear softer, smoother, and younger. Here are the most common types of areas that can be treated with Boto-x injections.

  • Crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Bunny lines on the nose’s bridge
  • Horizontal necklace lines
  • Frown lines
  • Smile lines

Dr Sweety also uses the Boto-x injections as a face-slimming process. We also rely on Boto-x injections to inhibit the habit of habitual jaw clasping and to treat gummy smile.

Things to Expect after Undergoing Boto-x Treatment at our Clinic

The Boto-x treatment at Skinisma is a non-surgical and non-invasive procedure. Therefore, there is little to no downtime associated with Boto-x treatment. However, you should avoid strenuous activities for at least six hours after the treatment.

Most patients opine that the Boto-x injections causes only mild discomfort. But note that after the injection, there may be mild swelling. The swelling will typically subside within 48 hours. You should expect slight bruising after undergoing the procedure.

For more details on Boto-x injections for wrinkles, consult with us today.

Explore the Benefits of Laser Facial Resurfacing at our Clinic

We use various types of skin care products to defy ageing. Sunscreens, moisturisers, etc., are the standard safeguards. However, you need an effective solution to fight the signs of ageing. If you are suffering from low self-esteem due to fine lines and creases, don’t fret.

At Skinisma, we offer advanced laser facial resurfacing to treat the affected areas. Our non-ablative laser beams are suitable to eliminate moderate creases and fine lines. To achieve a blemish-free skin tone, laser resurfacing delivers.

When you exercise, you intentionally create minor injuries to your muscles. The muscles grow back stronger with these injuries. Lasers also work in a similar manner. Laser beams at our clinic use light and heat energy to inflict controlled damage to your facial skin.

Your body reacts to heal the tissue by creating new skin. One of the key highlights of our non-ablative laser beams is their ability to boost collagen production. With ageing, the creation of collagen declines.

And when there is reduced collagen production, you will notice a more significant concentration of fine lines on your face. As we use non-ablative laser beams, they don’t damage your skin’s surface. Consult with Dr Sweety Darall Tomar for more information on laser skin resurfacing.

Reasons to Undergo Laser Skin Resurfacing Treatment at Skinisma

Here are some reasons to undergo laser skin resurfacing treatment at our clinic in Delhi.

  • Decreases Fine Lines and Creases

Fine lines and creases can severely dent your confidence. The areas around the eyes and face are suitable for rejuvenation with laser. We can effectively reduce the appearance of fine lines from all areas of your face.

  • Tightens Facial Skin

As you age, the skin losses the ability to produce enough collagen. You can tighten your facial skin by opting for laser skin resurfacing at our clinic. You will notice youthful results almost immediately. However, for this procedure to be effective, you should select multiple sessions.

  • Decrease the Presence of Blood Vessels on your Face

The presence of blood vessels, also known as spider veins, can diminish your glow. They are undesirable blemishes typically caused by exposure to the sun. Hormonal imbalances and excessive consumption of alcohol can also lead to the development of spider veins. We can remove spider veins from your face with laser therapy. For a detailed consultation, reach out to us.

We also use Q-switched laser beams to treat blemishes on your facial skin. For adequate information on treatments related to wrinkles, consult Dr Sweety Darall Tomar at the earliest. With no downtime and evidence-based therapies, Skinisma in Delhi is the best aesthetic clinic you can rely on.