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Dandruff is a prevalent scalp condition that affects many people worldwide. The reasons for dandruff are multifaceted and include factors such as uncontrolled growth of the fungus Malassezia, sensitivity to hair care products, and dry hair. It is characterised by the presence of yellowish or white flakes on the hair, scalp, and clothing. In severe cases, it can result in dandruff patches on the scalp. Dandruff can be an uncomfortable and upsetting condition, but it is usually not threatening.


Here we will talk about the dandruff causes, symptoms, and treatments available for dandruff.

What is Dandruff?

Dandruff develops when the skin on the scalp sheds too rapidly, leading to itching and flaking. It is a widespread issue that impacts individuals of all ages but is most prevalent among adults. Dandruff patches on scalp can develop due to the causes of dandruff in scalp. It includes factors such as the overgrowth of a yeast-like fungus known as Malassezia, dry skin, sensitivity to shampoos and conditioners, and dry skin.

Symptoms of Dandruff

The most prevalent manifestation of dandruff is the presence of yellow or white flakes on the hair, scalp, and clothes. These flakes are often marked by redness, itching, and irritation of the scalp. Severe dandruff can cause dandruff patches on the scalp, which can be unsightly and uncomfortable.

Causes of Dandruff

The exact cause of dandruff is unknown, but various factors have been recognised. The overgrowth of the fungus Malassezia is the main cause of dandruff, which is also known as fungal dandruff. This fungus feeds on the natural oils produced by the scalp, causing inflammation, irritation, and the formation of dandruff patches on the scalp.

Dry skin is another common cause of dandruff, which is also known as skin dandruff. When the scalp becomes dry, it can cause flaking, itching, and the development of dandruff scales. Seborrheic dermatitis, a form of eczema that affects the scalp, can also lead to dandruff patches on the scalp.

Moreover, sensitivity to hair care products may cause dandruff, which is also known as hair dandruff. Some shampoos, styling products, and conditioners can irritate the scalp, causing inflammation and the formation of dandruff. Hormonal changes, certain medical conditions, and stress can also lead to the development of dandruff.

Types of Dandruff

There are many types of dandruff, such as:

Head Dandruff

Head dandruff refers to dandruff that appears on the scalp. It is the most common form of dandruff and is caused by many factors, such as the overgrowth of the fungus Malassezia, seborrheic dermatitis, dry skin, and sensitivity to hair care items.

Hair Dandruff

Hair dandruff is similar to head dandruff. However, it affects the hair rather than the scalp. It is caused by the same factors as head dandruff and can be controlled with good hair care and medicated shampoos.

Fungal Dandruff

Fungal dandruff is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus Malassezia on the scalp. This form of dandruff can cause itching, irritation, and flaking. Fungal dandruff is not contagious, but it can be challenging to manage without treatment.

Treatment Options for Dandruff

There are many types of dandruff, such as:

Medicated Shampoos

Medicated shampoos are the most common treatment for dandruff, particularly for severe dandruff. They contain active ingredients, including selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, or ketoconazole. It can inhibit the overgrowth of the fungus Malassezia and ease inflammation and itching. Medicated shampoos should be used as advised and may need to be used for several weeks to see results.

Topical Treatments

Topical therapies, such as corticosteroid ointments and creams, can be used to relieve itching and inflammation caused by dandruff patches on the scalp.

Antifungal Medications

Antifungal medications, such as itraconazole or fluconazole, can be prescribed to manage persistent or severe fungal dandruff.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes, such as avoiding stress and consuming a healthy diet, can minimise the risk of dandruff.

Prevention of Dandruff

Preventing dandruff involves following appropriate hair care practices, such as:

  • Regular shampooing with mild shampoo.
    Regularly brushing hair to remove dead skin cells and enhance scalp circulation.
  • Avoiding harsh hair care products that can cause scalp irritation.
  • Avoiding stress and getting enough sleep.
  • Taking vitamins and minerals as part of a balanced diet.

Why choose Skinisma Aesthetics?

At Skinisma Aesthetics By Dr. Sweety Darall Tomar, we understand that hair and scalp problems such as hair dandruff causes and reasons for dandruff in hair can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort. Thus, our team of experienced professionals provides a range of holistic treatment solutions to help you attain healthy, vibrant hair. Whether your dandruff is caused by dry skin, a fungal infection, or other factors, we will work with you to identify the underlying causes. We will develop a personalised treatment plan to help you achieve the best possible outcomes. With our advanced technologies and cutting-edge techniques, you can trust Skinisma Aesthetics to deliver the high-quality care and attention you deserve.