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Confront Hair Loss Issues Effectively at Skinisma


Dr Sweety Darall Tomar at Skinisma provides evidence-based treatment for hair fall problems. Hair loss can affect your scalp or the entire body. Suffering from baldness can result in low self-esteem levels. Hereditary hair loss with age is the most common cause of baldness.
Losing hair is undoubtedly heart-wrenching. It is something that affects a significant proportion of people, and yet there is no proper treatment. Skinisma offers prescription-based treatments to assist in reducing hair fall. In some cases, we can reverse the effects of hair fall caused by baldness and other factors.
What sets us apart is our versatility and scientific approach to treating hair loss issues. We have individual therapies for men and women to treat hair fall. Our hair fall treatment in Delhi comprises mesotherapy, PRP and scalp threads.
We are also the best clinic in Delhi for hair transplants. The main objective of our hair fall treatment procedures is to support the ongoing expectations of patients. With us, you can even treat fading hairline issues effectively. Arrange a consultation with us to learn about hair loss.

Common Signs of Hair Fall

Here are some of the common signs of hair fall you should know.

  • Patchy or circular spots of baldness
  • Extreme and sudden loss of hair
  • Thinning of hair on the top of the head

Primary Reasons behind Baldness

Typically, severe hair fall can lead to baldness in both women and men. Here are the primary reasons behind baldness.

  • Stress
  • Thyroid
  • Anaemia
  • Ageing
  • Persistent infection in the skin and scalp

Dr Sweety Darall Tomar tailors the hair fall treatment based on your symptoms. To learn more about our hair loss treatment procedures, consult with us.

We Cover all the Bases with our Hair Fall Treatment Procedures

Hair fall treatments at Skinisma are all-inclusive. We offer hair loss treatments for the following conditions.

Extreme Hair Fall due to Genetic Reasons

Pattern hair loss in males can be due to genetic reasons. In most cases, this is a bit tough to predict. Dr Tomar can prescribe the best treatment to help you counter this problem.

Thinning Crown Hair

If you are suffering from thinning crown hair, consult with us at the earliest. We offer the best hair fall treatment in Delhi. With our effective treatments, we can reverse thinning crown hair. Our advanced treatment procedures can boost hair growth.

A Receding Hairline

The main reason behind a receding hairline is shrinking hair follicles. At Skinisma, hair loss treatments can reverse the effects of the shrinkage of hair follicles. We will assist in restoring a youthful-looking hairline.

Complete Thinning of Hair

Persistent hair fall can give rise to the complete thinning of hair. Ageing can contribute to hair fall. Using minoxidil can prevent complete hair thinning. Dr Tomar also administers growth factors to fill thinning areas with new hair. To guard against hair fall, seek an appointment with us.

Counter Baldness with Mesotherapy

You can now counter baldness and its severe effects with mesotherapy at Skinisma. Dr Sweety Darall Tomar is an expert in administering mesotherapy in Delhi. It is a treatment procedure where we inject vitamins, amino acids, and minerals onto the scalp.

Do you dream about lustrous and dense hair that shines and grabs attention? Undergo mesotherapy at Skinisma and flaunt a confident look. The vitamins, amino acids, and minerals nourish the hair follicle. They thicken the thinning hair and stop hair fall. Some of the common objectives of mesotherapy at our clinic are as follows:

  • Stimulates the inactive bulbs

  • Provides nourishment to the hair follicles

  • Eliminates dandruff

The mesotherapy procedure at Skinisma is minimally invasive. It has no downtime, which means you can resume your daily activities right after the procedure. You should undergo mesotherapy at our clinic for the following reasons:

  • It is a non-surgical alternative for hair growth
It is a procedure of offering the scalp a much-needed dosage of vitamins
Mesotherapy can drastically improve blood circulation in the scalp
It can effectively treat bald patches

  • The total treatment time ranges from ten to thirty minutes
It is helpful for hair fall as it negates the DHT hormone
Mesotherapy makes your hair follicles grow faster

You may have to undergo multiple mesotherapy sessions based on the type of hair loss. Dr Sweety Darall Tomar will analyse your hair fall pattern and prescribe the best treatment.

Bid Goodbye to Hair Fall with Scalp Threads

At Skinisma, we also rely on scalp threads to help you control hair loss issues. Scalp threads, also known as PDO threads, are a proven way to trigger hair growth in the scalp. The procedure with scalp threads is a non-invasive one.

PDO threads boost your hair re-growth by releasing growth factors. It increases the overall flow of blood in the affected areas. Dr Tomar has been using this procedure for a long to restore the volume of your hair. We use clinically-certified PDO threads to minimise instances of infections.

The PDO threads we use regenerate collagen 1 and 3. These collagen types can boost the production of lustrous hair on your scalp. You can increase hair density and thickness with PDO threads. For more information on scalp threads, consult with us at the earliest.

Undergo Hair Transplant at Skinisma

Persistent hair loss issues can be challenging to treat. If you have severe hair fall, a hair transplant is the best way to counter it. At Skinisma, we offer FUT and FUE hair transplant procedures. Both these hair transplant procedures are safe and effective in the longer run.
With Dr Tomar, bald spots, receding hairline, and hair fall will be a thing of the past. We will assist you in achieving dense hair. Skinisma also offers proper aftercare treatment and instruction to ensure that your hair restoration procedure is successful. If you want help with hair fall issues in Delhi, we can help. Consult with us to learn about our hair loss treatments.