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Acne refers to a chronic and inflammatory skin disease. It is caused as a result of overactivity of the oil glands present at the base of hair follicles that leads to outbreaks of lesions (often known as pimples and zits) thereby causing dark spots and scars on the face, and back, shoulder, chest, neck, and upper arms. Everyone at a certain stage of their life gets affected by acne, either mild or severe. If you are looking for the best acne treatment in Delhi then you are at the right place.

It is one of the most common skin issues in teenagers as well as in adults. Acne generally appears when the pores of your skin are clogged with dead cells, sebum/oil, and bacteria. Acne if not treated on time leads to dark spots and scars on the skin that can be difficult to treat at a very later stage. If you have acne, acne marks, or acne scars, you should immediately consult a dermatologist to get a counter treatment. This will help you control acne and its scars effectively.

Forms of Acne

Acne exists in various forms depending upon the extent and location of inflammation in the various layers of skin. The several forms in which acne persist are:

Whiteheads or closed comedones occur when skin pore is clogged with dead skin and oil/ sebum below the skin surface.

Blackheads or open comedones occur when skin pore/ follicle is clogged with excess oil and dead skin on the skin surface. As it is present on the skin surface, the skin pigment melanin reacts with oxygen in the air, giving it a black color.

Papules: These refer to the small red bumps which form when excess oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells push deeper into the skin and cause inflammation (which is marked by redness or swelling).

Pustules: These are small bumps with a white/yellow center and red inflamed skin surrounding them. These are very similar to papules, but with yellow/white-colored pus at the top.

Nodules: These are large, red/inflamed, hard & painful bumps that form much deep under the skin.

Fungal Acne: Also, known as Pityrosporum folliculitis is a type of skin infection commonly misdiagnosed as acne. It occurs when excess yeast develops in the hair follicles. These are generally described as small red bumps which are extremely itchy with an additional burning sensation.

Adult acne: These appear after the age of 25. In addition to the presence of acne, hormonal disturbances may be marked by irregular menstrual cycles, excess facial hair growth, hair loss from the crown, and insulin resistance.

Mask acne or maskne: It refers to acne or skin irritation that occurs on a person’s face from regularly wearing a face mask. It occurs in areas where your mask touches your face.

Causes of Acne

The sebaceous glands or oil-producing glands present under the skin are attached with hair follicles and connect to the pores on the skin through the hair canal/ duct. These glands secretes an oily matter called sebum which travels through the hair duct and reaches the pores on the surface of the skin. This sebum along with surrounding excess dead skin cells and bacteria forms a plug and accumulates in the follicle producing a mircocomedone (blackhead/ whitehead). This microcomedone is formed by clumping and colonization of bacteria (P. acne) that incites inflammation and causes the formation of pustular/ nodular acne.

The main reasons that lead to the formation of acne are:

Fluctuating levels of the hormone in teenagers, before or during menstrual cycle or while taking oral contraceptive pills.

Endocrine/ Hormonal disorders like PCOD, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, insulin resistance, ovarian/ adrenal tumour.

Certain specific attire like sports helmets, headbands, shoulder pads, and mask.

Air pollution and high humidity can also cause acne.

Coming in contact with oil/grease-based products, different types of radiation associated with one’s occupation or using wrong skincare regime.

An increase in hormone cortisol because of stress and anger.

Certain medications like corticosteroids, androgens, and lithium can also have side effects due to which acne is caused.

The development of acne can also be genetic and may run in the family.

A diet containing high glycemic index food and dairy products.

Treatment of Acne

You might have heard of home remedies given by people around you to treat acne, but not all remedies give the required results or suit your skin type. Sometimes, certain remedies or skincare products may give you results, but after some time you may notice that acne starts appearing on your skin again. This is the time when you should actually visit a dermatologist as they will help you get rid of your acne and any acne scars or hyperpigmentation on your skin permanently. The acne treatment involves a multifactorial approach including local therapy, topical medications, oral medications, and unique customized treatments available at Skinisma Aesthetics.

Local Therapy

It involves cleansing your face twice a day with a gentle cleanser like syndet that will cleanse your skin without disrupting the skin pH. Avoid over-cleansing as it does more harm to your skin by disrupting the skin pH. Medicated cleansers containing benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are advised.

Topical medications

Retinoids: Retinoids have both comedolytic and anti-inflammatory properties, thus it is ideal for the treatment of mild to severe form of acne. They are generally used in the form of gels, creams, and lotions. These prevent the hair follicle from plugging.

Antimicrobials: For eliminating excess skin bacteria and reducing the inflammation and redness on the skin, topical antibiotics is advised. Also, to reduce the chances of development of antibiotic resistance, benzoyl peroxide along with antibiotics is preferred. Topical dapsone is the most recently approved topical antibiotic for acne

Azelaic acid: It is a naturally occurring compound found in grains, used for its antibacterial properties in cream or gel form. It also helps in improving the pigmentation that is caused due to the development of  acne. It is generally well tolerated, though transient burning sensation can occur. It is safe for the use of pregnant women as well.

Salicylic acid: One of the most common compounds that is used for the treatment of acne. It helps in exfoliation of superficial layer of skin, thus preventing the plugging of pores with dead skin. It is present in the form of wash-off or leave-on products and may cause side effects like minor irritation or redness.

Oral medications

Antibiotics: For treatment of moderate to severe acne, it is very important to reduce bacteria load for which oral antibiotics can also be used. Topical retinoids with oral antibiotics gives a faster and more effective response.

Retinoid: Oral retinoid, isotretinoin, affects all causative mechanisms of acne. It is mainly used for the treatment of severe recalcitrant nodulocystic acne and treatment –resistant acne.

Hormonal therapy: It provide effective second line treatment in women with underlying hormonal abnormalities and in deep seated nodules on the lower face and neck. It can be accomplished with the:

  • Antiandrogens, like spironolactone, work by blocking the effect of androgen/ sex hormones on the oil glands. Though, their use may cause menstrual irregularities.
  • Agents designed to decrease the endogeneous production of androgens by the ovary or adrenal gland, including oral contraceptives.

Treatments at Skinisma Aesthetics

Aclear Acne treatment: A customised acne treatment involves deep cleansing of skin, starting with exfoliation with diamond tip microdermabrasion followed by manual removal of comedons along with the application of chemical solution and lastly, the high frequency LED therapy that utilizes targeted thermal energy to treat acne, leaving behind smooth and clear skin.

Photofacial: This treatment include use of lntense pulsed light (IPL), a broad spectrum light to work their magic. During an IPL photofacial, a light emitting device is precisely calibrated to deliver a comprehensive full face rejuvenation. The IPL targets the acne bacteria and also, reduces redness and inflammation, thereby encourages skin to repair the pigmentation and scar tissue.

Carbon laser: It is a skin treatment that uses focussed light beams to treat acne, oily skin, enlarged, clogged pores and uneven skin tone. In this procedure, creamy carbon is applied to your face, and let it dry for 10-15 mins, after which laser light is used to heat the carbon layer. The final step involves laser shots which destroys carbon particles and eliminates oil, dead skin cell, bacteria, or any other impurities on your face.

Acne peel: It is a customized treatment for oily and acne-prone skin with blemishes and dark spots. In this treatment, a chemical solution is applied on the outer layer of your skin. The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial properties helps in to fasten healing of acne while its exfoliation property helps with dark spots and ensures skin rejuvenation.

Laser Toning: Laser toning/resurfacing is an effective treatment that stimulates the production of collagen, thereby helps in fading of acne marks and scars. More collagen production also decreases the pore size which ultimately helps in reducing comedon formation and development of acne.

Treatment for acne scars: Scarring can be a complication of both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne. In general, there are 4 types of acne scars naming ice-pick, rolling, box-scar and hypertrophic. The treatment options includes microneedling, laser resurfacing, MNRF, subscision, CROSS therapy.

  • Microneedling utilizes tiny needles to stimulate the production of more collagen.
  • Laser resurfacing uses thermal energy to stimulate dermal fibroblasts to replace lost collagen and elastin.
  • MNRF procedure involves needles that are introduced into the skin and then, RF energy is delivered through these needles to heat the dermis to stimulate new collagen and skin tissue, leaving behind a smoother, firmer, and more toned skin.