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Vitiligo, characterised by white or pale patches on the skin, is not a physically painful condition. But it can have a significant psychological impact. At Skinisma Aesthetics, Dr Sweety Darall Tomar diagnoses Vitiligo and provides management advice to patients.

Our Vitiligo treatment is customised based on your current dermatological condition. Vitiligo is a skin condition that occurs when your skin cells stop the production of melanin. Although it is not a life-threatening condition, you need to seek professional support to improve its symptoms.

Vitiligo, in particular, is a global skin disease and affects over 1% of the total world population. The condition arises when your immune system attacks pigment-producing cells called the melanocytes. The typical symptoms of Vitiligo are the excess production of melanin, which creates brown patches.

It is a skin disorder that can be psychologically devastating. You can reach out to our Vitiligo clinic in Delhi for effective treatment.

Undergo the Best Vitiligo Treatment in Delhi

We will decide the best treatment for Vitiligo based on the parts of your body that are affected. Dr Sweety Tomar will also assess the extent and spread of Vitiligo on your skin. Usually, Vitiligo can affect any part of your body. In this skin disorder, the melanocytes produce melanin abnormally.

Vitiligo treatment in Delhi offered by our clinic can effectively improve your condition. We are highly experienced in treating people with Vitiligo. What sets us apart is our patient-centric approach. Our expertise lies in treating Vitiligo on the face, arms, legs etc.

Pigmentation disorders can result in stigma and loss of self-esteem. Book a consultation session to learn how we can help you to overcome this condition.

How do we Diagnose Vitiligo?

Dr Tomar will diagnose Vitiligo by reviewing your medical history. To get a good look, we may use a wood’s lamp. It is a specialised lamp that allows us to analyse the areas affected by Vitiligo clearly. Being the top skincare clinic in Delhi, we believe in offering patients with an accurate diagnosis.

Therefore, your skin will be examined under different lighting conditions. If our diagnosis identifies Vitiligo, we’ll recommend blood tests. Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease which implies that your immune system is attacking the healthy cells. Moreover, people with Vitiligo can develop some other autoimmune disorders like thyroid disease. Blood tests can precisely detect autoimmune illnesses.

Our Approach to Treat Vitiligo

Dr Tomar will develop a highly customised Vitiligo treatment plan based on your condition. And while creating a treatment plan, we have the following goals in mind.

  • Restoration of lost skin colour
  • Stopping the patches from getting bigger

Here are the common Vitiligo treatments available at our skincare clinic in Delhi.

Light Therapy

At Skinisma, we use light therapy to restore natural skin colour in the areas affected by Vitiligo. Usually, we use NB-UVB light to provide you with the best possible results. The NB-UVB light is also ideal for treating extreme cases of Vitiligo.

We will suggest you to undergo this treatment procedure of discoloration that covers more than 20% of your body. The only downside of treating Vitiligo with NB-UVB light is its time-consuming nature. The NB-UVB light therapy is suitable for children and adults.

Implantation of Melanocytes

We might implant melanocytes based on your symptoms and current condition. If you are looking for a permanent solution to treat Vitiligo, the implantation of melanocytes is the best option. It has a higher success rate of treating skin discolouration in patients.

The Use of Laser to Treat Vitiligo

Being the top skincare clinic in Delhi, we use non-ablative lasers to treat Vitiligo. The laser can stimulate melanocytes to normalise the production of melanin. We also use an Excimer laser that uses noble and reactive gas. If you have Vitiligo in the visible areas of your body, treatment with an Excimer laser is the best option.

Medications to Treat Vitiligo

The primary objective of taking medications is to slow down the development of new patches and spots. Vitiligo tends to spread slowly. If you are noticing new spots and patches on your skin frequently, consult with us. Dr Sweety Darall Tomar will prescribe medication after examining your lesions and taking history. It can effectively slow down the progression of the disease.


Is There Any Permanent Way to Cure Vitiligo?

Presently, Vitiligo cannot be cured permanently. The treatments available at Skinisma can help restore skin colour. We provide evidence-based treatments that effectively address the symptoms of Vitiligo.

What is the Best Treatment for Vitiligo in Delhi?

The best treatment for Vitiligo in Delhi is NB-UVB light therapy at Skinisma. Light therapy is a proven way to stop the progression of active vitiligo. Usually, you will have to undergo two to three therapies a week.

Does Vitiligo Stop Spreading?

After six to twelve months, segmental Vitiligo will stabilise. In other words, your skin stops losing colour. Most patients with segmental vitiligo don’t develop new patches.

What Stops Vitiligo from Spreading?

We often prescribe topical and oral medicines to our patients. Topical treatment can come as a cream or an ointment. When appropriately applied, these creams and medicines can stop the spread of the white patches or, Vitiligo.