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At Skinisma, we have the experience and expertise to treat psoriasis with advanced procedures. The treatment for chronic skin illnesses involves highly customised diagnosis and symptom management. If this severe skin illness is affecting your quality of life, we are here to help.

Dr Sweety Darall Tomar has vast experience in treating major skin conditions. What sets us apart is our customised approach to curing skin-related illnesses. Characterised by an inflamed and patchy rash, psoriasis can affect large areas of your skin.

Moreover, this severe skin illness can negatively impact your social and emotional well-being. It is common to suffer from low self-esteem while suffering from this skin disease. Our main objective is to manage the symptoms of your skin illnesses so that there is little or no discomfort.

Treatments at Skinisma are determined by the type and severity of psoriasis. In most cases, we commence with a mild treatment, like topical creams but in severe cases Dr Sweety may put you on oral medications including retinoids, immunosuppressants or biologics. Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body. However, it commonly affects the elbows, lower back, scalp, and knees.

The main cause of this skin condition still remains unknown. But it can be present in families and precipitated by specific types of illnesses. If you or your dear one is suffering from this stigmatising skin condition, consult with us at the earliest.

Psoriasis and its Overview

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that boosts the rapid accumulation of skin cells. It often gives rise to the build-up of silvery scales that affects your appearance. It is a lifelong illness, and you may need to manage your symptoms effectively.

Therefore, it is imperative to seek an appointment with a reputed dermatologist to control the symptoms of this illness. In this autoimmune skin condition, the cells divide faster than usual. This skin condition also creates red and flaky patches that provide an itchy sensation.

Do you know that people with this skin illness are at an increased age of developing Psoriatic Arthritis? Get effective treatment from Dr Sweety at Skinisma today. Our clinically-certified treatment procedures can control psoriasis symptoms and minimise the re-occurence.

The Common Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis can cause brittle nails and other aesthetic issues. Your psoriasis treatment may need to be reviewed regularly. We develop a customised treatment plan to help you come out of this chronic skin condition. Here are some of the common symptoms associated with this skin condition.

  • The presence of rashes in the patches
  • The rashes are varied in colour
  • Soreness and burning sensation in the affected areas
  • A higher concentration of recurring rashes that stays for months
  • Split and dry skin responsible for causing bleeding
  • Itching might be associated within the patches

If you are experiencing these symptoms, don’t fret. Skinisma is one of the best dermatological clinics in Delhi that offers customised treatment for psoriasis.

Primary Cause of Psoriasis

The main cause of psoriasis is still uncertain. However, it is closely associated with an immune system problem. In people with psoriasis, the T-cells, a type of white blood cell, attacks the healthy cells by mistake.

Therefore, the cells accumulate rapidly on the skin’s surface. Most dermatologists opine that psoriasis is hereditary. However, environmental factors are also linked to the development of this illness. Moreover, certain triggers can worsen this skin illness:

  • Infections like streptococcal infection
  • Heavy consumption of alcohol
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Consumption of certain medications and drugs
  • Winter and monsoon season

The Types of Psoriasis you should Know

To get the best treatment for this skin illness, you should be aware of its types. Each type of psoriasis differs in its symptoms. Here are some of the most common varieties of psoriasis you should know.

Nail Psoriasis

Customary to its name, it affects the growth of nails in your body. It creates malignant growth of nails along with discolouration and pitting. Severe forms of psoriasis of nails may cause the lifting of the nail plate.

Plaque Psoriasis

Plaque psoriasis is the most common variety of psoriasis. The primary symptoms of this skin condition are dry and elevated patches on skin with overlying silver scales. These types of skin patches are typically present on the lower back, elbows, knees etc.

Guttate Psoriasis

It usually affects younger children and adults. Typically, the most common reason behind this skin condition is a bacterial infection. It can cause scaling spots all over the legs and trunk.

Inverse Psoriasis

It affects the breasts, groin, armpits and buttocks. It creates flat areas of inflamed skin that may deteriorate with sweating.

Skinisma is the Best Clinic to Treat Psoriasis in Delhi

At Skinisma, we offer psoriasis treatment based on discomfort levels and signs. Dr Sweety doesn’t take a cookie-cutter approach to treat chronic skin illnesses like Psoriasis. We also follow a multi-pronged treatment plan to help you manage the symptoms of psoriasis effectively. Our treatment procedures typically contain a combination of systematic drugs, topical medicines, and light therapy.

Learn more about our Topical Psoriasis Treatment

The treatment of this chronic skin condition with topical agents includes the following.

  • Dr Sweety may prescribe OTC moisturisers to ensure that your skin has proper hydration levels
  • In severe forms of psoriasis, we may prescribe oral retinoids, immunosuppressants and biologics
  • To decrease inflammation and discomfort, we may ask you to use coal tar creams and topical steroid, retinoids and Vitamin D analogues.
  • For patients with psoriasis on the scalp, medicated shampoos are suitable

Light Therapy to Counter Psoriasis

Dr Sweety Darall Tomar may ask you to undergo light therapy to treat psoriasis. It involves exposing the affected areas to a controlled amount of UV rays. In this skin condition, there is abnormal production of skin cells. UV rays can prevent the growth of abnormal cells. Dr Sweety leverages the ultraviolet B phototherapy procedure to reduce the development of cells.

The Use of Pulsed Dye Laser to Control Psoriasis

We may use a pulsed dye laser to treat the affected areas of your skin. A pulsed dye laser eliminates the blood vessels from the areas affected by psoriasis. It can also restrict the flow of blood to the psoriatic lesion.

The best way to manage psoriasis is by controlling its symptoms. For more details on our psoriasis treatment procedures, consult with us at the earliest. Dr Sweety Darall Tomar possesses vast experience in treating chronic skin illnesses like psoriasis.