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Rosacea is a long-term skin condition that primarily affects the face. It’s more common in women and people with a lighter skin tone. If you have persistent redness over cheeks, nose, consider consulting with Dr Sweety Darall Tomar. Note that the symptoms of rosacea can be worse in men.

The cause of rosacea is still unknown, and not consulting with a dermatologist may make things worse. The usual symptoms of rosacea are small and pus-filled bumps on the skin. In most cases, rosacea affects the skin on your nose, cheeks, and forehead.

At Skinisma, we have the experience and expertise to treat rosacea effectively. For more details on rosacea treatment, consult with us at the earliest.

Overview of Rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that affects your facial skin. People may mistake rosacea for acne or eczema. It is typically characterised by persistent redness over cheeks & nose. The redness can gradually spread beyond the neck and cheeks to the chin and forehead.

When having rosacea, your ears, chest, and back be red. And with time, people suffering from rosacea often witness permanent redness in the centre of their face. Some of the common symptoms of rosacea are as follows:

  • Swelling
  • Dry skin
  • Yellowish and orangish patches on the skin
  • Thickened skin
  • Sore eyelids
  • A burning or stinging feeling when using water

The Types of Rosacea you should Know

At Skinisma, we have the expertise to minimise the symptoms of the following four types of rosacea.

  • Subtype One 

It is also known as Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea, or ETR. The common symptoms are persistent redness on the face, visible blood vessels, etc.

  • Subtype Two

It is commonly referred to as papulopustular rosacea. The symptoms include acne-like breakouts. It often affects women in their mid-50s.

  • Subtype Three 

Known as rhinophyma, it is a rare form that thickens the skin of your nose. This subtype commonly affects men.

  • Subtype Four 

It is a more severe version of rosacea, also known as ocular rosacea, and the symptoms are centred on your eyes.

To learn about lupus rash vs rosacea, consult with us at the earliest. Unlike an inflammation caused by lupus, the rash on your face from rosacea has pus-filled pimples. You should immediately consult Dr Tomar if you’re experiencing the symptoms of rosacea.

Rosacea can Lower your Self-Esteem

Rosacea can have adverse effects on your self-confidence levels. Rosacea is a chronic skin illness that impacts numerous people worldwide. But you should understand that you did nothing wrong to get rosacea.

Dr Tomar opines that some people are prone to rosacea, while some aren’t. And if the disease runs in your family, there are higher chances of getting it. The best way to regain your confidence when suffering from rosacea is to consult with us. We are also your one-stop option for treating keratosis pilaris lupus.

How do we Treat Rosacea?

If Dr Sweety Darall Tomar suspects that you have rosacea, we won’t ask you to undergo diagnostic tests. No medical test can ever tell that you have rosacea. To diagnose rosacea, Dr Tomar will examine your skin and eyes.

We will also ask questions to determine the severity of symptoms of rosacea. Before administering treatment, we may want to ensure that you don’t have another medical condition.

We will also try to provide an effective diagnosis for acne rosacea on dark skin. Dr Tomar will communicate the available treatment options to minimise the rosacea symptoms. We may also prescribe topical antiseptic, retinoids, azelaic acid, metronidazole etc. No treatment can cure rosacea, but it can assist with the following:

  • To decrease the signs of rosacea
  • In easing your discomfort
  • To prevent the symptoms of rosacea from worsening

Identifying your Triggers

Besides identifying your triggers, we can recommend oral tetracycline along with topical ointment for acne. The common triggers for rosacea include eating spicy food items, becoming overheated, etc. Dr Tomar will properly recognise what factors cause your rosacea to flare. We will ask you to avoid these triggers to minimise the symptoms of rosacea.

Use of Sun Protection

You may get rid of rosacea naturally. But the application of a sun protection cream is the best way to control this chronic skin illness. People with rosacea are pretty sensitive to the sun. To secure your skin from the sun, you should:

  • Purchase a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 plus
  • Avoid prolonged exposure of sun during noon hours
  • Cover your face with appropriate protective scarves
  • Wear sun-protective clothes and eyewear

Laser and Light Therapy

Vascular lasers and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy are useful alternatives or as an adjuvant to oral and topical therapies. These nonablative modalities can eliminate telengiectasia, reduce or eliminate redness and reduce papules and pustules. At SKINISMA, we have IPL therapy in the form of photofacial and Q-switch Nd;YAG to reduce facial erythema and telengiectasia and is generally well-tolerared.

What is the Best Natural Treatment for Rosacea?

You should eat more anti-inflammatory food items like ginger, avocados, etc. Food items rich in antioxidants and niacinamide are best for minimising the rosacea symptoms. At Skinisma, we will also prescribe the best moisturiser to use with finacea and laser therapy.

Dr Sweety Darall Tomar leverages a wide variety of treatments to help you decrease the symptoms of rosacea. She may also prescribe 1% metrogel to restore your confidence in even skin tone. If you are suffering from rosacea, don’t fret. At Skinisma, we know how to cure redness over cheeks and nose. Consult with us to learn more about our services.