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At Skinisma, a trusted skin and hair care clinic in Delhi, you can undergo hair PRP treatment under the supervision of a certified dermatologist. Our team of highly qualified and experienced skin care specialists leaves no stone unturned to provide the best solutions to hair and skin problems.

Platelet-rich Plasma is an advanced therapy to cure extreme hair fall, pattern hair loss, receding hairline, and hair thinning with utmost effectiveness. The PRP treatment is instrumental in promoting the growth of natural hair. So, opting for this method can help you bid goodbye to your hair fall issues.

Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy: What is It?

Human blood consists of a couple of cardinal components – red blood cells and plasma. And, this is the plasma which comprises blood cells and platelets, super-rich in skin and hair growth factors. Platelets play a crucial role in stimulating the process of the hair follicles as well as fostering new hair growth.

Undergoing the Platelet-rich Plasma hair therapy at Skinisma can help you reap many benefits, including minimal to no side effects and affordable pricing. Time and again, it has been proven that PRP is an effective solution for hair loss. It helps boost hair thickness as well as count, aside from improving the hair cycle’s growth phase.

PRP treatment consists of three primary steps, including drawing an individual’s blood, processing it, and injecting it into the person’s scalp. Apart from promoting hair regrowth, undergoing this particular therapy can help increase the flow of blood to the hair follicles.

Our certified dermatologists are proficient at conducting PRP hair treatment in an efficient and effective manner. The team of doctors performs the therapy with utmost care to ensure that no patient experiences immense pain.

PRP Injection Mechanism

Healthcare professionals possess the expertise in separating platelet-rich plasma from the extracted sample of a person’s blood. Then, they inject the solution into the recipient area. In most cases, clinicians resort to utilizing ultrasound so as to guide the PRP injection.

The sole motive behind doing so is to improve the concentration of certain hormones or bio-proteins. Growth factors’ increased concentration in the target area trigger and expedite the healing process, relieving pain and improving hair growth.

PRP Hair Treatment The Procedure

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP hair therapy entails three treatments at an interval of four to six weeks. Moreover, it is necessary for a patient to opt for maintenance treatments at least twice a year. PRP for hair regrowth therapy needs to be performed in a very assiduous manner. And, the team of competent dermatologists at our skin and hair care centre conducts exactly the same.

They draw blood from the arm of the patient and put the blood tube into a centrifuge. The machine spins the tube to split up RBC from the plasma rich in platelets. Then, the injection of platelets right into the scalp precisely at the level of individual hair follicles takes place.

Skincare specialists at Skinisma perform PRP hair treatment meticulously. They start by injecting platelet-rich plasma across the patient’s scalp, nearly every half inch right over the thinning hair area. Our experienced dermatologists do not take hours to complete the procedure.

Who Should Go for PRP Hair Therapy

Individuals who experience hair fall are suitable candidates for Platelet-rich Plasma hair treatment. However, it is advisable to undergo this effective process right when you are at the initial stage of hair loss.

PRP hair therapy proves more efficacious for people who have androgenetic alopecia. This type of hair issue impacts the top of a patient’s head. PRP is instrumental in reversing the initial stages of baldness. However, results differ from one person to another.

Who Must Not Opt for PRP Hair Treatment

Individuals who are chain smokers must not undergo PRP therapy even if they suffer from issues such as hair fall, hair thinning, and receding hairline. Also, this non-surgical hair treatment is not safe for people with medical problems, including acute infections, sepsis, cancer, chronic liver disorder, etc. Avoiding this treatment is prudent for individuals on blood thinners or taking anticoagulation therapy.

Get in touch with us to know more about the potential risks and side effects of PRP treatment.

How effective is PRP in Hair Regrowth?

PRP is a feasible remedial option for the problem of hair loss, such as and rogenetic alopecia as well as female pattern hair loss. It is a suitable substitute therapy for alopecia areata.

How Many PRP Sessions are Adequate for Hair Treatment?

Most individuals with early hair loss require only a few PRP sessions to get the desired results. On the other hand, some patients need 4-5 plasma-rich platelet sessions to see desired results. Expert skin care specialists recommend at least three PRP hair treatments for successful hair growth restoration.

Is it Okay to Undergo PRP Treatment the Whole Life?

PRP treatments are not permanent hair loss solutions. Therefore, opting for hair growth maintenance treatments twice yearly is advisable. You can expect results for scalp injections at least six months post-therapy.

Book an appointment with a certified dermatologist today at Skinisma, the best skin and hair care clinic in Delhi, to know whether you need PRP hair therapy for your hair-related problems.