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Skinisma, offer thread lift services to boost hair growth. Our PDO scalp threads are clinically certified and minimally invasive. Using PDO threads is a relatively painless procedure.

Dr Tomar possesses immense expertise in boosting your hair growth with PDO threads. A thread lift refers to a procedure that involves a dissolvable suture to stimulate hair growth by rejuvenating tired and weakened follicles.

One of the key highlights of this procedure is its minimal downtime. We can complete the entire method within forty-five minutes. Thread lift for hair restoration is pretty popular in Delhi.

PDO, also known as Polydioxanone, is a slowly absorbing synthetic surgical suture material. It stimulates collagen and new blood vessel production and formation in scalp.

Mechanism of PDO Threads

The PDO threads stimulate hair regrowth by enhancing anagen phase of the hair follicles and by inhibiting premature entering in the telogen phase and stimulates neovascularization. The threads used during this process are FDA-approved to form new blood vessels.

This procedure also induces collagen types 1 and 2. They are famous for hair regeneration as they don’t trigger allergic reactions. There are no complications associated with this procedure. Our thread lift procedure for hair loss can improve the density and thickness of your hair.

Eligibility for Undergoing a PDO Thread Lift at Skinisma in Delhi

Before undergoing the thread lift procedure, Dr conducts an initial assessment of your scalp and analyse the area. We will tailor your PDO scalp threading procedure according to your need.

During the initial consultation, we tell any alternative and combined treatment procedures for the better and quicker results. At Skinisma, we always strive to offer complete information to our patients on scalp threads. Therefore, you will get before and aftercare treatment advice from our clinic.


Here are some of the benefits of undergoing PDO scalp threading at our clinic.

  • Naturally improves the texture and elasticity of hair and scalp
  • Rejuvenates and creates denser hair follicles
  • Covers the entire scalp area
  • Results in a youthful appearance with lustrous hair
  • Ultra-fine threads that dissolve within the scalp after eight months
  • PDO threads are transparent and invisible within the skin
  • PDO threads have an excellent safety record
  • Widely used in major surgeries for faster healing
  • PDO threads optimise blood circulation in your scalp and boost the growth of hair

Things to expect during a PDO Scalp Threading Procedure

After your initial consultation with Dr Tomar, patients have to come to our clinic for the procedure. We always recommend patient’s undergoing PDO thread lift come with friends or family members.

The PDO thread lift procedure at our clinic is minimally invasive. However, during the method, we will inject local anaesthesia for patient comfort.

The overall PDO thread lift procedure is virtually painless. We insert the PDO threads under the scalp. Very fine needles are inserted intradermally and then the needle is withdrawn, leaving behind a microscopic thread in situ which will create a foreign body response thereby, stimulation of hair follicles.

Different Types of PDO Threads

We use different PDO threads to boost the growth. The other threads, similar to PDO, are PLA and PCA. Note that PDO threads are the longest form of threads.

Because of their excellent wound-healing properties, PDO threads have been pretty popular since the 1980s. PDO threads contain a colourless polyester that decomposes in your body after six to seven months.

The insertion of PDO sutures triggers cells called fibroblasts. These fibroblasts create a substantial amount of collagen that boosts hair growth. Here are the common PDO threads we commonly use at our clinic.

  • PDO Mono Threads

We use PDO mono threads because of their smoothness. These threads rejuvenate hair production by stimulating the growth of collagen.

  • PDO Screw Threads

Customary to their name, PDO screw threads comprise intertwined threads. These types of threads are used to restore volume to the sunken parts.

  • PDO Cog Threads

PDO cog threads contain barbs that get attached to your skin to provide support and lift.

What should you expect after a PDO Thread?

The downtime varies based on the sensitivity of your scalp. Dr provides complete aftercare with instructions. After undergoing hair restoration with scalp threads, you will notice gradual improvements.

It is common to experience mild bruising, which is standard. Painkillers are given to avoid any pain or discomfort after the procedure.

You can resume your daily routine right after the procedure. But we recommend you avoid contact with direct sunlight, avoid strenuous exercise for 2-3 days. For more details on the PDO scalp threading, connect with us at +91-9899121263 or visit SKINISMA AESTHETICS.

Why should you Select Skinisma for Scalp Threading?

We are one of the leading clinics specialising in the PDO thread lift procedure. Here are some reasons you should choose us for PDO thread lift.

  • Dr Sweety Darall Tomar possesses immense expertise in many thread lift procedures. Under her supervision, you will get an all-natural look.
  • Skinisma strives to use only FDA-approved PDO threads for hair growth.
  • Our clinic follows a transparent approach to help you achieve hair growth.
  • PDO thread lift at Skinisma consumes less than fifty minutes.

If you require combined treatment procedures, we can combine it with scalp PR-P or, mesotherapy for the optimum results. For instance, patients with severe hair loss often need to opt for various treatment procedures to get the desired results. You can now bid farewell to hair loss issues with our method involving scalp threads. Seek an appointment with us to learn more.